The Mormon Experience: A History of the Latter-Day Saints book contents

The Mormon Experience: A History of the Latter-Day Saints book contents

Co-authored by Leonard J. Arrington, former LDS Church Historian and director emeritus of the Joseph Smith Institute for Church History at BYU, and author of Brigham Young: American Moses; and Davis Bitton, professor of history at the University of Utah, and author of Guide to Mormon Diaries and Autobiographies.

Section One: The Early Church, includes: The Beginnings * The Appeals of Mormonism * Early Persecutions * Triumph and Tragedy in "The City of Joseph" * Dispersion and the Exodus under Brigham Young

Section Two: The Kingdom In the West, includes: The Challenge of Building the Kingdom * Immigration and Diversity * Mormons and Native Americans * The Kingdom and the Nation * Marriage and Family Patterns * The Nineteenth Century Ward * Mormon Sisterhood: Charting the Changes

Section Three: The Modern Church, includes: Church and Kingdom, Creative Adjustment and Reinvigoration * The Temporal Foundation * "In The World"-Institutional Responses * Group Personality: The Unsponsored Sector