Problems with hiring, retention and promotion at BYU
The BYU AAUP believes important problems exist in policies and procedures pertinent to hiring, retention and promotion at BYU. For example, we recently discovered that the University Administration asked that five third-year review candidates in the English Department add to their files all student evaluation summaries, all student comments, all theses worked on, texts of all speeches, panel discussions, etc., made at symposia, conferences, and fora dealing with Mormon issues, and texts of all material published on Mormon issues.
We contend the requirement to add these materials to a candidate’s file represents substantial departure from established policy. We are very concerned with these changes, done without faculty involvement, discussion or even announcement.
In response to these policy changes and to other issues pertinent to hiring, retention and promotion, the following correspondence between the BYU AAUP and BYU administration was initiated. We hope by this correspondence to initiate a meaningful discussion of the entire third-year and tenure review process.