Mormon (FARMS) Research
Mormon Research
Salt Lake Tribune
Thursday, December 14, 2000
I applaud your excellent and very interesting article concerning BYU’s research of DNA and the connection, or non-connection, of the American Indian and the Book of Mormon’s Lamanites (Tribune, Nov. 30). At one point in the article, Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies spokesman John Sorenson is quoted as saying:
“With [DNA] sampling, you may or may not find evidence of a connection to the Old World,” he says. “If you do, that says something. If you don’t, that says more research needs to be done.”
That is a most telling statement, and seems to be the status quo for FARMS research in general. Start with the result you want, and keep researching and twisting the facts until the results you want can be shown, or at the very least, implied. Ironically, this statement is similar to saying:
“With [county/precinct] sampling, you may or may not find evidence that I got the most votes in Florida. If you do, that says I won the election. If you don’t, that says more counting needs to be done.”
Sounds like FARMS, as the research arm of the LDS Church, has more in common with the “despised” Democrats than they care to admit.