Awards given to the site(s)
Awards received
I never planned on creating an awards page. Even though I received several unsolicitated awards in the past like the Detox award for this site (in August of 1998) and this one (in November of 2001) or the rainbow award for this page I didn’t flaunt them. After all, most internet awards are created merely to get popular sites to link back to the award givers.
But winning the Salamander Award was different. It caused me to rethink my position and create this page. Why you ask? Because the Salamander Award was a bit more tangible. It came in the mail to me rather than as an email asking for a link back to the award giver. And my kids love it. My four-year old proudly brought it in to pre-school the day after I received it for show-and-tell. My two-year old constantly carries it around the house and asks people what it is even though I’ve told her what it is dozens of times.
I’d like to thank Mark Hofmann for making the idea for this award possible. And I’d like to thank the good folks at Latter-day lampoon for the beautiful salamander trophey.
The moral of the story is that if you’d like to bestoy this site with an award, make it something cool and send it in the mail. 😉